Move Cleaning Services

Moving Out? Let Us Make Your Move Easier!

We all know that moving is not fun! The worst part of the whole process is after all the boxes are gone, you look around and realize that you still have to clean this place! Take a load off your own shoulders and give us a call. Our technicians are specially trained to provide a professional move out cleaning of your home or apartment.  And, if you're a renter, a good move out cleaning will go a long way toward getting your security deposit back!
empty house

Moving In Let Us Get Your New Place Fresh and Sanitized

If you are moving into a new home or apartment, you'll want to ensure all surfaces have been thorough cleaned and sanitized prior to moving in. Our move in cleaning is designed to get your new place thoroughly cleaned. Every surface in your home will be wiped down. We'll wipe out all of the cabinets and drawers in the kitchen and bathrooms so they're ready for you to start putting things away. We'll also ensure all surfaces are cleaned with an hospital-grade disinfectant so no viruses or germs linger.

Frequently Asked Questions About Our Move In/Out Cleaning

yes, your house does need to be empty, including all cabinets and drawers. If there are a small number of items left in the house, let us know and we'll make arrangements to work around those items. Be aware that our cleaners cannot move heavy furniture to get underneath it.

We cannot guarantee that you will get your deposit back. We will, however, get everything as clean as possible and this will go a long way toward meeting the requirements for getting your deposit back.

No, you don't have to be home while we clean. If you will not be home, please let the office know how we will gain entry into the home or apartment.